Hello, My Twenties is a South Korean coming of age drama series. The plot revolves around five female college students who live in a share house called “Belle Epoque”collectively navigating their way through life. Owing to their differences and backgrounds, living together in one apartment seemed difficult at first but as the story progresses, we see huge character developments as they end up becoming each other’s best-friends.
It is a perfect depiction that friendships without limitations doesn’t and shouldn’t exist. This show normalizes getting therapy and stresses on how prevalent and real abuses (verbal and physical) in a relationship are. ‘Hello, My Twenties!’ is a total package with its raw emotions, exceptional casting and relatable storyline, making it must watch drama
Show Name | Hello, My Twenties |
Release Year | 2016-2017 |
File Type | .srt |
Subtitle Language | English |