An American supernatural horror movie written and directed by Lee Cronin is the fifth installment of the Evil Dead film series. the protagonists of the movie are two estranged sisters who are trying to survive and save their families from deadites.
The setting of the movie shifts from a group of friends in a cabin to a family living in a rundown apartment building in Los Angeles. Elie is possessed by a Deadite in the beginning and thereafter she starts torturing her own children psychologically and physically.
The movie unlike other horror movies mocks jump scares as once in a scene where there is a knock on the door and when Ellie opens the door there is no one, when she turns her sister Beth, jumps out to scare her and Ellie punches her in the face.
Movie Name | Evil Dead Rise |
Release Year | 2023 |
File Type | .srt |
Subtitle Language | English |