Dahmer is an original Netflix series released on 21st September 2022. It portrays the life of America’s most notorious serial killers Jeffrey Dahmer infamously known as the Monster. His heinous and ruthless crimes is told from the perspective of his victims who survived, and it depicts the inner picture of the mind of a psychopath. It gives us viewers a deep dive into the police incompetence and privileges he received, which allowed him to carry out his gruesome murders for the next 13 years without any suspicion. He is one of the most twisted serial killers with 17 victims in total.
The show is a real-life nightmare and grim to watch, viewer discretion is highly advised. It has received mixed reviews after its release from the audience, mostly being favorable.
Movie Name | Dahmer |
Release Year | 2022 |
File Type | .srt |
Subtitle Language | English |