Maid (2021) English Subtitle SRT

Maid is an American drama mini-series premiering on Netflix. It revolves around the life of a young woman Alex, who escapes in the middle of the night after breaking free from an abusive relationship. Driven by poverty and hunger she finds herself working as a maid to provide for her daughter. This movie gives us an insight about domestic violence, complicated family relationships and the exploitation of domestic helpers. Alex is undeterred in the face of adversity and courageous despite the pain she carries within her.

This movie highlights how abuse does not always involve violence but comes with the emotional turmoil one has to live through forever. At the end we are left rooting for Alex and her daughter to escape.

Maid was released in 2019 can be streamed on Netflix. It is hauntingly beautiful, along with a very real depiction of human nature and the world we live in. It is highly recommended to an eventful binge-watching session.

Movie NameMaid
Release Year2019
Subtitle LanguageEnglish
Author: Honey Ngangom

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