“Dhamaka” is a 2021 Indian Hindi-language disaster film directed by Ram Madhvani and written by Ram Madhvani, Kartik Krishnan and Zakir Hussain. The film stars Kartik Aaryan, Mrunal Thakur and Amrita Puri and follows the story of Arjun, a journalist who is covering the story of a massive fire on an offshore drilling rig. The film is a suspenseful and gripping story that explores the theme of survival and the human spirit in the face of extreme adversity.
The film is well-crafted and well-executed, with a strong plot and pacing that keeps the audience engaged throughout the entire film. The film’s central character, Arjun, is an interesting and relatable character, and the audience is drawn into his story as he struggles to survive and uncover the truth. The acting is also top-notch, with Kartik Aaryan delivering a strong performance as the lead and Mrunal Thakur and Amrita Puri providing strong supporting performances.
The film also has a strong visual aesthetic, with the use of lighting and camera angles adding to the overall atmosphere of the film. The film’s score also adds to the tension of the film, making it even more suspenseful.
In conclusion, “Dhamaka” is a well-made and suspenseful film that explores the theme of survival and the human spirit in the face of extreme adversity. It’s a must-watch for fans of the genre and for those who enjoy a good disaster and thriller story.
Movie Name | Dhamaka |
Release year | 2021 |
File Type | .srt |
Subtitle Language | English |