The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind is a Netflix original docu-drama, based on the memoir of Malawian Inventor William Kamkwamba. It is the journey of a 13-year-old boy William Kamkwamba who decided to harness wind by taking destiny into his own hands. William is a prodigy born with a talent for inventing new things and tries to take machines apart to understand their functioning. Despite being born in a rural village in Malawi, a poverty stricken and drought prone region, this didn’t deter him to achieve greatness in life.
Rather than being a conventional narrative of redemption, it instills realism and exposes the true nature of the world. It is idealistic and makes us realize that sometimes no one is coming to help us. The movie is an example of the proverb “necessity is the mother of invention” in its true sense. The depiction of the protagonist’s community and nuanced approach makes it more captivating and relatable
Movie Name | The boy who harnessed wind |
Release Year | 2019 |
File Type | .srt |
Subtitle Language | English |