La Casa de Papel (2017) English Subtitle SRT

La Casa de Papel is a Spanish crime show created by Alex Pina in 2017. It follows eight criminals and one mastermind (Professor) as they are planning to pull off two long prepared heists. They intend to create history by robbing the Royal mint of Spain and the Bank of Spain. It is a gripping tale about suspenseful police negotiations and competition, constantly trying to stay one step ahead of the other. It is narrated from the viewpoint of the robbers and based on flash backs, time jumps and complexities of an unreliable narrator

It features themes of socialism, survival, friendship and blossoming romance between the characters. The unforgettable casts, beautiful narrative, suspenseful storyline adds to the brilliance of the show.

Show NameLa Casa de Papel
Release Year2019
File Type .srt
Subtitle LanguageEnglish
Author: Honey Ngangom

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