Gone Girl released in 2014 is an American psychological thriller, adapted from the book ‘Gone Girl’ by Gillian Flynn. Nick and Amy were the perfect couple, they shared a blissful marriage in their serene New York estate. After moving to Missouri their marriage starts falling apart and fights ensue between the two. Maybe after all Nick wasn’t the same person Amy fell in love with, he has changed, perhaps even started to have an affair with another woman behind her back.
The movie surrounds the mysterious disappearance of Amy with Nick being one of the prime suspects. But Nick almost seems unbothered after her disappearance, is he hiding something? Gone Girl takes us through a dwindling stage of marriage and the dark secrets harbored by every married couple. This movie has an eeriness about it and keeps you on the edge of your seats with its sudden plot twists. It is a classic must watch thriller you should not miss out on
Movie Name | Gone Girl |
Release Year | 2014 |
File Type | .srt |
Subtitle Language | English |