Crash Landing on you is a Korean romantic drama series directed into Lee Jeong Hyo. It is about a young successful heiress to a large corporation, lands in the North Korean demilitarized zone after a paragliding mishap. She is rescued by a handsome and diligent captain of North Korean military, who keeps her in hiding. They have an instant connection and find themselves falling in love, despite their differences. This story explores, about how love cannot be separated by a demarcation.
The show makes you drool over the supporting leads and makes you experience the Second-Lead Syndrome. It will take you through a roller-coaster of emotions, making you laugh, cry, cheer and root for the main characters. This series aired on Netflix in 2019 and received worldwide recognition, definitely a must watch drama.
Show Name | Crash Landing on you |
Release Date | 2019-2020 |
File Type | .srt |
Subtitle Language | English |